Are we looking in the wrong place?
In December we collectively gather around a cold, stone feeding trough.
We gaze at a newborn baby, nestled in straw in the most humble of cribs
and we marvel that God Almighty would put Himself
in such a vulnerable position!
It’s not unusual to celebrate the birth of a baby.
It’s natural to feel hopeful at the consideration of a new life.
But now that over 2000 years have passed,
are we still looking at the manger?
Maybe it’s time to shift our wonder from the
hope-filled newborn Jesus
to gaze at the hope-fulfilled God-Man, Jesus.
The One Who was born for us,
died for us and
rose from that death for us.
This gift - forgiveness and life with God forever - is free for all who
believe and receive!
The hope is no longer in the possibilities a new life offers,
but in the certainty of what His life accomplished.
Forgiveness for the unforgivable.
Freedom for the enslaved.
Joy for the brokenhearted.
Peace for the frazzled.
Strength for the weak.
Light for the darkened.
Life for the dead.
Hope for the hopeless.
All of these were wrapped in strips of linen,
waiting for each of us to see beyond the crib -
to the cross -
to the empty tomb.
To put all our hope in The One Who is Hope Himself.
Christmas points to this.
The tomb is empty, Jesus is alive!
If your hope has worn a little thin, or you’ve found that where you thought you’d found it, proved incapable of giving you true hope,
… I invite you to shift your eyes to Jesus after the manger.
He came for you once, He’s coming again!
photo credit, Louise Hailey
Merry Christmas!